Research Interests

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The overarching area of our research is drug discovery and development by using natural product compounds and enzymes. Our research lies at the interface of chemistry and biology and lab members get hands-on experience on different equipment including HPLC, NMR, HR-MS, FPLC, microplate readers, thermocyclers, and incubators. There are two main active projects in our lab:

I-Drug Discovery; Microbial Natural Products as Drug-Leads. Soil bacteria have provided many pharmacologically useful compounds including antibiotics such as tetracycline, erythromycin, kanamycin, neomycin and vancomycin; antiparasites such as avermectins; immunosuppressants such as rapamycin; antifungals such as amphotericin B; and anticancer drugs such as doxorubicin. We process soil samples collected from unexplored environments to cultivate bacteria that synthesize bioactive natural products. Members in this project merge multiple disciplines such as natural products chemistry, microbiology and biological screening.

II-Drug Development; Drug Modification Using Biocatalysts. Enzymes are nature’s catalysts to catalyze chemical reactions. We utilize this reaction to perform difficult-to-achieve chemical reactions. Enzymes are overproduced in heterologous hosts, purified and in some cases engineered to enhance drugs activities and properties. Members in this project merge multiple disciplines such as enzyme purification, protein engineering, biochemistry, medicinal chemistry and biological screening.

III-Virtual Docking and Screening of Disease Targets. Virtual screening is becoming popular in drug discovery and used to narrow down the number of compounds that should be experimentally tested. Our lab uses computational tools to predict potential activity of natural products. Members in this project merge computational and biological screening.

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June 2024: The Elshahawi lab in collaboration with the Yamaki lab received the Chapman University School of Pharmacy Collaboration Award.

March 2024: Congratulations to Nagaraju, Basir, Diem, Thao, and Angelica for their interesting story published in Organic Letters “Selective late-stage functionalization of tryptophan-containing peptides to facilitate bioorthogonal tetrazine ligation”

June 2023: A note of congratulations to Ashley for her marvelous work published in ChemBioChem “Promiscuous Enzymes for Residue-Specific Peptide and Protein Late-Stage Functionalization”

May 2023: Kudos to Ahmed, Nagaraju, Diem, Tae Ho, Chris and Chelsea for their outstanding work published in ChemCatChem “Structure-Guided Mutagenesis Reveals the Catalytic Residue that Controls the Regiospecificity of C6-Indole Prenyltransferases”

Nov 2022: The Elshahawi Lab received an R03 grant from the NIAID at the NIH:

Feb 2022: A note of congratulations to Dr. Mupparapu, Lauren and Katrina for their hard work published in Chem. Eur. J. “Late-Stage Chemoenzymatic Installation of Hydroxy-Bearing Allyl Moiety on the Indole Ring of Tryptophan-Containing Peptides” at

Dec 2021: Congratulations Elshahawi Lab and collaborators for the TerBC story published at ACS Chemical Biology “Structure and Function of a Dual Reductase-Dehydratase Enzyme System Involved in p-Terphenyl Biosynthesis”.

Aug 2021: Diem Nguyen joined the Elshahawi Lab as a PhD student. Welcome to the lab Diem!

June 2021: The Elshahawi Lab received the Faculty Impact fund, Congratulations all!

June 2021: Cindy Lin graduated with a PharmD degree and started her residency. Congratulations Dr. Lin!

Nov 2020: Congratulations to Dr. Mupparapu, (Dr. to be) Lin and Dr. Kim for their interesting daptomycin story Great job all!

Nov 2019: Zhengfeiyue (Chelsea) Pan presented at the Southern California Conferences for Undergraduate Research (SCCUR) and won the best poster award in Life Sciences. Well done Chelsea!

Aug 2019: Ahmed Aoun graduated with a Master’s degree. Good luck Ahmed in your future endeavors!

May 2019: The Elshahawi lab received the Faculty Opportunity Fund, Congratulations all!

May 2019: Tae Ho Kim graduated with a PharmD degree. Congratulations Dr. Kim!

May 2019: Congratulations Ahmed Aoun for receiving the best MSPS poster presentation award at CUSP Annual Research Day

Jan 2019: The Elshahawi Lab was awarded the new investigator award (NIA) from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP). Congratulations everyone!


Contact us: Chapman University School of Pharmacy, Rinker Health & Science Campus, 9401 Jeronimo Rd, Irvine, CA 92618